Freelance Social Commerce Data Entry Online Jakarta

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Freelance Social Commerce Data Entry Online Jakarta – Marhite, tempat di mana peluang tak terbatas bertemu dengan informasi berharga. Kami hadir untuk memberikan kesempatan kerja sebagai Freelance Social Commerce Data Entry Online Jakarta bagi lulusan SMA/SMK/D3/S1/S2 di seluruh wilayah kota di Indonesia.

Freelance Social Commerce Data Entry Online Jakarta



Dibuka Freelance Social Commerce Data Entry Online Jakarta – Saat ini, Marhite memberikan kesempatan bagi para lulusan SMA/SMK/D3/S1/S2 yang berminat untuk bergabung dalam posisi-peosisi menarik di bawah ini.

Loker Freelance Social Commerce Data Entry Online Jakarta Terbaru 2023


  • Assume leadership of strategic initiatives aimed at introducing fresh operational strategies for our platform (including assortment, platform, and buyer aspects) in the market, with the objective of driving growth, enhancing profitability, and improving platform efficiency.
  • Take responsibility for the outcomes of these projects, collaborating with teams from various countries, departments, and product areas to pilot these projects and identify opportunities for further enhancement when launching them in subsequent markets.
  • Utilize data analysis and competitive benchmarking, adopting a hypothesis-driven approach to tackle business challenges, identify new avenues for growth, and kickstart projects with a well-structured business rationale.
  • Experience the potential for career growth, including the opportunity to step into a temporary leadership role within a country when the business requires it, and a potential pathway to transition into a specific business function at the regional or country level.
  • Forge partnerships with regional product and technology teams spanning different domains, with the aim of establishing efficient processes supported by technology.


  • Previous professional experience spans a variety of sectors, including launching internet tech startups, strategizing and operating eCommerce platforms, consulting in management, formulating corporate business strategies, and engaging in investment banking and venture capital.
  • Possesses extensive experience in strategic projects, involving research, analysis, solution development, and the implementation of measures that deliver tangible business outcomes.
  • An individual with an adventurous spirit, embodying the essence of a startup and co-founder mentality. Displays an entrepreneurial mindset, coupled with a strong affinity for startups and technology, evident in previous experience in building new businesses, ventures, and strategies.
  • Exhibits structured thinking and a hypothesis-driven approach, comfortable working with numerical data, and capable of making decisions based on both intuition and data.
  • A versatile and adaptable learner capable of thriving in uncertain situations. A resourceful problem solver who excels in working independently, following a structured approach, and focusing on achieving set goals.
  • Demonstrates exceptional communication skills, both written and verbal, enabling the effective articulation of business strategies and resource requirements, along with attentive listening abilities.
  • Holds an outstanding academic record from a prestigious university, with a proven track record of success. Has experience studying or working in a global, multicultural environment and is open to being based in a Southeast Asian country for a period or regular travel within Southeast Asia.
  • Proficiency in English is a prerequisite, with additional language skills in Mandarin or a Southeast Asian local language being a valuable asset, given the close collaboration with external stakeholders across Asia.
  • Familiarity with SQL skills is an added advantage.

Job Offer

Working in a global company

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